+420 533 534 201 (Mo-Fr: 8-12 and 13-17)
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+420 533 534 201 (Mo-Fr: 8-12 and 13-17)

EKO-KOM System

SHANTI & Co. s.r.o. is a legal entity that places packaging or packaged products on the market or in circulation within the meaning of the Packaging Act. As a result, it has an obligation to ensure the take-back of such packaging or waste from such packaging and an obligation to ensure that waste from packaging placed on the market or in circulation by it is recovered to the extent provided for by the Packaging Act.

EKO-KOM, a.s. is an authorised packaging company which ensures the combined fulfilment of the obligations of take-back and recovery of packaging waste arising from Act No. 477/2001 Coll., on packaging, as amended. According to the law, the obligations of take-back and recovery of packaging waste are imposed on persons who place packaging or packaged products on the market or in circulation, i.e. import, fill, import into the Czech Republic or sell. These persons may conclude a Contract on pooled performance with EKO-KOM, a.s. to fulfil these obligations.

SHANTI & Co. s.r.o. and EKO-KOM, a.s. have concluded a contract on joint performance with the aim of ensuring the fulfilment of the obligations of take-back and recovery of packaging waste, which the customer has under the Packaging Act, through the activities of the supplier and its contractual partners.

SHANTI & Co. s.r.o. is involved in the EKO-KOM Pooled Filling System
under the client number EK-F00023846


SHANTI - Smlouva o sdruženém plnění

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